Mega events footprints : past, present and future = As pegadas dos megaeventos = Las huellas de los mega eventos / org. by Leonardo José Mataruna-dos-Santos... [et al.]

Mataruna-dos-Santos, Leonardo José

Edité par Engenho - 2017

This book is a collection of texts that symbolizes a channel between academia and/or industry experts to public or private sector managers. Diverse themes make up the work such as urban regeneration, sustainability articulations, innovations, sports event brands, visions of official sponsors, the phenomenon of hospitality houses that can change the 'sport' embryo from the event to supporting actor in the future, among so many others. The sports minister of Brazil opens the book with the perceptions of legacies for the country. Examples come from practice such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Munich, Athens, Torino, Beijing, Vancouver, London, Sochi, Rio, and Tokyo, and World Football in South Africa, Brazil and so on. We bring the presentation of footprints, impacts, legacies, quickly and directly. All contributions are presented with summaries in three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish; with full texts in English and Portuguese. Each chapter is composed of four items: introduction, to familiarize the reader with the theme; The discussion to promote a reflection on the subject; The footprints that present lessons learned, whether positive or negative, and future considerations that is a kind of knowledge management associated with counseling or intervention needs in future editions of mega-events.


Sélection : Zoom Impact and Legacy

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