Delivering success : Olympic Winter Games 2026 : engagement, legacy and vision / International Olympic Committee

International Olympic Committee

Edité par IOC - 2017

This document, published by the International Olympic Committee is part of the reformed candidature process for the XXV Olympic Winter Games 2026. Building on changes guided by Olympic agenda 2020, this new process provides interested Cities and National Olympic Committees (NOCs) with greater support directly from the IOC. It offers more flexibility to develop Games proposals that are aligned with local, regional and national development goals, and have less financial, operational and environmental impact. “Delivering success: engagement legacy and vision” contains the following chapters, including case studies: Enhancing reputation, economic impact, social unity, sustainability and sporting legacy.

A pour autre édition : Les clés du succès : mobilisation, héritage et vision : Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 2026


Sélection : Zoom Impact and legacy official English

Sélection : Zoom Candidature process Official English

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