TAFISA mission 2030 : for a better world through sport for all : adopted by the TAFISA assembly in Seoul, Korea, on November 16th, 2017 / TAFISA the Association for International Sport for All

The Association for International Sport for All

Edited by TAFISA - 2021

This publication is a guiding document for a global strategy to fight the worldwide physical inactivity epidemic. It is a succinct, action-oriented document, introducing current critical issues the world is facing, and addressing some 12 key themes and how to maximise the contribution of sport for all on the road to achieving a better world by 2030. Mission 2030 highlights key initiatives and stakeholders in the field, and calls critical change-makers to action under each of the 12 key themes.

Has for another edition on the same medium: TAFISA mission 2030 : pour un meilleur monde grâce au sport : adoptée par l'Assemblée Générale de TAFISA à Séoul, en Corée du Sud, le 16 novembre 2017

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Selection : Zoom Physical Activity Official English

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