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Olympic philosophy / Heather L. Reid
Edité par Parnassos Press - 2020
The Olympic Games are a sporting event guided by philosophy. The modern Olympic Charter calls this philosophy “Olympism” and boldly states its goal as nothing less than “the harmonious development of humankind” and the promotion of “a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.” The ideas and ideals behind Olympism trace their roots to ancient Greece, just like the Games do. This collection of essays explores the ancient Hellenic roots of Olympic philosophy and explains their application to modern sport. It examines the philosophical heritage of the Games, the ethics implied by Olympic values of sport, the educational goals of sport, the relations between justice and fair play, the political ideals of peace and world community, and the modern challenge of multiculturalism as expressed in the philosophical contrasts between East and West. Anyone who truly loves sports knows that the Olympic Games are special. Olympic philosophy is what makes them special; the essays in this book attempt to explain why.