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Games of the XXII Olympiad : official report of the Organising Committee of the Games of the XXII Olympiad, Moscow, 1980 / ed.-in-chief I.T. Novikov
Edited by Fizkultura i Sport - 1981
Vol. 1: Moscow, Tallinn, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk. - 237 p.
Vol. 2: Organisation. - 533 p.
Vol. 3: Participants and results = Participants et résultats. - 643 p.
Has for another edition on the same medium: Jeux de la XXIIe Olympiade : rapport officiel du Comité d'organisation des Jeux de la XXIIe OlympiadeHas for another edition on the same medium: Games of the XXII Olympiad [Russian version] : official report of the Organising Committee of the Games of the XXII Olympiad, Moscow, 1980