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200 films on the Olympic podium : cinema & Games / by Franco B. Ascani
Edited by Bradipolibri - 2020
Through a complete and comparative analysis, new perspectives for Olympic filmography are identified as cultural products that inspire and unite people, regardless of their origin, culture and religion, taking on an important role in spreading sport and its values. This book, which has classified and assessed "200 films on the Olympic podium" divided into 51 Official Olympic films; 23 Olympic films; 105 Olympic-themed films; 21 anthology & Paralympic films, goes through the curiosities and athletes' achievements, bringing back to life the exciting moments of the Games with the aim of building the memory and promoting the cultural heritage of the history of the Modern Olympic Games. The critical research method that was used, with a purely scientific approach, has analysed, compared and identified - through the opportunities and criticalities that characterised the works in the different periods - the intersection lines between the public, the directors, the techniques evolution and the historical context.