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The Olympic values and fair play / Eva Bensard
Edité par Le Musée Olympique - 2019
The founder of the modern Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937), firmly believed that sport can help people to push beyond their limits, but also to transcend their differences, and draw closer together and better understand each other. This was why he was an advocate for humanistic values, which have become indissociable from Olympism: respect for your opponent, friendship between peoples and fair play, a code of conduct as useful in sport as it is in everyday life. An athlete who plays fair is a “good sport”, who remains polite and respectful of his opponents. But it is not always easy to behave like this, for adults and children alike. Thankfully, you can learn to play fair! That is the purpose of this kit, through a mixture of discussion topics, games and role play.
A pour autre édition : Fair-play et valeurs OlympiquesA pour autre édition : Fair play e valori OlimpiciA pour autre édition : Olympische Werte und Fairplay
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