Fourth review of International Federation governance : ASOIF Governance Taskforce / Association of Summer Olympic International Federations

Association of Summer Olympic International Federations

Edited by ASOIF - 2022

This document is a report on the fourth review of International Federation (IF) governance led by the Governance Taskforce (GTF), established by the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF). Mandated by the ASOIF general assembly in 2016, the GTF aims to assist the summer IFs to promote a better culture of governance to help ensure they are fit for purpose. Building on previous reviews published in 2017, 2018 and 2020, the evaluation for 2021-22 took the form of a self-assessment questionnaire with independent moderation of the responses. The questionnaire, slightly revised from the 2019-20 edition, again consisted of 50 measurable indicators covering five principles or sections: transparency, integrity, democracy, development and control mechanisms. Questionnaires were distributed to 33 IFs on 22 November 2021 with a deadline for response of 19 January 2022. All questionnaires were completed and returned. Scores were independently moderated for accuracy between mid-January and the end of February.

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