Portrayal guidelines : gender-equal, fair and inclusive representation in sport / International Olympic Committee

International Olympic Committee

Edité par International Olympic Committee - 2021

This is the second edition of the "Portrayal guidelines" created for the Olympic movement stakeholders, in line with the International Olympic Committee gender equality and inclusion objectives for the 2021-2024 period. These call for the implementation of “gender-equal and fair portrayal practices in all forms of communication” across the IOC, at the Olympic Games and throughout the Olympic movement – whose members are, in turn, encouraged to adopt and adapt these guidelines according to cultural contexts. This edition updates the 2018 "Portrayal guidelines", which were created as one of the recommendations of the IOC Gender equality review project.

A pour autre édition : Directives du CIO: pour une représentation égalitaire, équitable et inclusive des genres dans le sportA pour autre édition : Directrices del COI : para una representación igualitaria, justa e inclusiva en el deporte


Sélection : Zoom Women and Sport Official Français

Sélection : Zoom Women and Sport Official English

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