Too much or too little? Prescription drug use in a nationwide prison population

Edited by Emerald

Aim ‐ To describe prescription drug use in a nationwide prison population and compare it with contemporary drug use in other relevant populations as well as in a prison population 25 years ago. Method ‐ Detailed medication sheets from 37 prisons, covering 90% of the Norwegian prison population, were collected. All drugs were transcribed into the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system, and Defined Daily Doses/100 inmates were calculated. Data enabling relevant comparisons were gathered from reliable sources. Results ‐ Among the 2,617 inmates investigated, 48% used no medication. Sixteen percent used both psychotropic and somatic drugs, 17% psychotropic drugs only, and 19% somatic drugs only. Strong correlations between drug use and gender, age, and prison characteristics were demonstrated. Psychotropic drug use was higher than in the general population but lower than in a psychiatric hospital unit. Somatic drug use was lower than in the general population, except non‐steroid antiinflammatory agents, antihistamines, and drugs to alleviate obstructive airway diseases. Psychotropic drug use, particularly antidepressant use, was higher than in prisons 25 years ago. Conclusion ‐ High levels of use of all psychotropic and a number of somatic drugs were demonstrated in this nationwide prison population. Treatment studies are needed in order to ascertain whether the high levels of use of particularly psychotropic medications are indeed improving the mental health of prisoners.

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