Legal approaches to tackling the manipulation of sports competitions : a resource guide / United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), International Olympic Committee

United Nations. Office on Drugs and Crime | International Olympic Committee

Edited by UNODC - 2021

The overall aim of this resource guide is to provide lawmakers, policymakers, prosecutors and other relevant officials with practical approaches, good practices and guidance to help tackle the threat posed to sport and to society by the manipulation of sports competitions and to enhance the credibility and transparency of sport. Specifically, it is aimed at supporting States parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption in the implementation of paragraph 15 of resolution 8/4, on safeguarding sport from corruption, adopted by the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption at its eighth session, held in Abu Dhabi from 16 to 20 December 2019.

Has for another edition on the same medium: Approches juridiques pour lutter contre la manipulation des compétitions sportivesHas for another edition on the same medium: Enfoques legales para abordar la manipulación de las competiciones deportivas

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