Jogos Olímpicos de verão de 2020 = Les Jeux Olympiques d’été de 2020 = The 2020 Summer Olympics / Mateus de Almeida Prado Sampaio et Jose Raimundo Sousa Ribeiro Junior

Sampaio, Mateus de Almeida Prado | Sousa Ribeiro Junior, Jose Raimundo

This article aims to present, cartographically and textually, aspects related to the Summer Olympic Games (Tokyo 2020), seen from a geographical and, to a certain extent, geopolitical perspective (see the participation of the "3 Chinas", which drew attention to economic, diplomatic and national disputes at stake). The authors highlight and problematize certain aspects that are subject to regional analysis and that go beyond the limits of sports and may easily go unnoticed by a large part of the public who attended the mega-event.

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