Os Jogos Olimpicos na capital da República : narrativas da imprensa e campo esportivo no Rio de Janeiro (1890-1935) / Fausto Amaro

Amaro, Fausto

Edited by Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - 2018

The present thesis investigates the production of narratives about the Olympic Games in the Rio de Janeiro press between the 1890s and 1930s, with the main aim of critically discussing the process of constitution of an Olympic field in Rio de Janeiro. To this end, the researcher used as documentary sources journalistic texts from Rio de Janeiro newspapers, selected based on their relevance and the emphasis given to the Olympic Games. As to the method, a prospective content analysis was initially used, followed by a detailed study of the narratives. The cultural history was the theoretical guide of this work, contributing to the understanding of the concepts of narrative and representation. The results found point to the presence of the Olympic Games in contexts beyond sports and outside the axis of submission to the International Olympic Committee.

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