Mobile Olympic media across three continents : replacing or enhancing Olympic television ? / Andrew C. Billings, Natalie Brown-Devlin, Kenon A. Brown, Micheal B. Devlin

Billings, Andrew C. | Brown-Devlin, Natalie | Brown, Kenon A. | Devlin, Michael B.

Edited by [s.n.] - 2019

This project surveyed 2,296 respondents from six nations (Germany, Sweden, China, Japan, the United States, and Canada) regarding their Olympic media consumption habits. Respondents reported on (a) uses sought and gratifications obtained via Olympic media, (b) elements of social presence afforded through Olympic media, (c) media platform uses by country, (d) media device uses by country, (e) media content uses by country, and (f) likelihood to participate in Social TV (using a secondary device to enhance the primary Olympic media consumption experience). 21 core findings are offered in the synopsis on the following page, with tables for each element provided in the document as well.

Other research

Selection : Zoom Media coverage - Social media

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