Olympic Solidarity and NOC Services annual report 2021

International Olympic Committee. Olympic Solidarity

Edited by Olympic Solidarity - 2022

This report presents the activities and projects undertaken by the Olympic Solidarity and NOC Services in 2021. The annual report contains the following chapters : 1/ Foreword, 2/ Olympic Solidarity and NOC Services in 2021, 3/ Universality of the Olympic Games, 4/ Training and education of athletes’ entourage, 5/ Solid and sustainable administrative structure, 6/ Promoting the Olympic values 365 days a year (Olympism 365), 7/ Initiatives to further strengthen NOCs as organisations, 8/ NOC governance and 9/ Annexes.

Has for another edition on the same medium: Rapport annuel 2020 : s'engager ensemble pour le développement du sport et de ses valeursHas for another edition on the same medium: Solidarité Olympique et services aux CNO : rapports annuel 2021

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