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Les fondamentaux de l'éducation aux valeurs olympiques : un programme fondé sur le sport / Comité International Olympique
Edited by Comité International Olympique - 2023
The "Fundamentals of Olympic values education manual" is organised into four sections. The first section introduces participants to the core principles of Olympism – participants are invited to think about how these principles relate to their own lives. In the following three sections, the history, stories and symbols of the Olympic Games are explored using the Olympic educational themes. OVEP participants have the opportunity to deepen their experiences and understanding through a series of activity sheets.
Has for another edition on the same medium: The fundamentals of Olympic values education : a sport-based programmeHas for another edition on the same medium: Los fundamentos de la educación en valores olímpicos : un programa basado en el deporteIn conjunction with: Feuilles d'activitésIn conjunction with: Mise en oeuvre du PEVO