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The social organization of sports medicine : critical socio-cultural perspectives / ed. by Dominic Malcolm... [et al.]
Edited by Routledge - 2012
During the twentieth century the relationship between sport and medicine has eveloped in the context of broader social, cultural and politico-economic processes. This includes increasing scientific understanding of the human body, growing attention to lifestyle as a health-risk factor, the development of health promotion, and a shifting balance of power between the medical profession, allied health professions and patients. In conjunction with the rationalization, internationalization and commercialization of sports performance, these processes have combined to lead to the expansion of the system of sports medicine in any, if not all, Western nations. This volume charts changing perceptions of sport within medical discourse, attempts by sports medicine providers to forge professional identities in response to these processes, the day-to-day experiences of deliverers of sports medicine and the reactions of recipients of that healthcare.
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