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Pierre de Coubertin and the future : CIPC-Symposium Lausanne 24th-25th January 2014 / Stephan Wassong...[et al.] eds.
Edited by Agon Sportverlag - 2016
On the occasion of Pierre de Coubertin's (1863-1937) 150th anniversary, the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (CIPC) organized a symposium in collaboration with The Olympic Museum Lausanne in January 2014. The symposium's topic was Pierre de Coubertin and the Future and concluded the jubilee year of Coubertin's 150th birthday. Lectures and discussions focused on considerations on how to adapt Coubertin's idea of an educationally oriented sport to the demands and nature of today's sporting world and society. The contributors evaluated Coubertin's thoughts and their current meaning from various international and cultural perspectives. This book is largerly a collection of the papers presented at the symposium.
Other documents in the collection "Olympische Studien"