0 review
Social networking and the Olympic Movement : social media analysis, opportunities and trends : final report = Centre d'Estudis Olímpics, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona / dir. Emilio Fernández Peña
Edited by CEO UAB - 2011
Sommaire : 1: Introduction. - 2 : Sociodemographic data of social networking sites. - 3 : The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games on Facebook, Twitter and Orkut. - 4 : Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games communication strategies on Facebook and Twitter. - 5 : Sport organizations social networking strategies : case study analysis. - 6 : Olympic athletes and social media use during a non olympic-period. - 7. The Olympic Games, NBA and FC Barcelona on Facebook : content and fan participation. - 8 : New communication and social media trends. - 9 : General conclusions. - 10 : Recommendations.