Las Olimpiadas griegas / Conrado Durántez

Durántez Corral, Conrado | Comité Olímpico Español

Edited by Comité Olímpico Español ; Delegación Nacional de Educación Fisica y Deportes - 1977

The book es divided into seven parts, tracing the beginnings of Olympia until its decline and disappearance, and subsequent revival. It begins with the historical evolution of Olympia, its location and architecture, detailing especially the significance of statues and pediments exhumed in the excavations of the archaeological site. It talks about the Sanctuary of Olympia. It characterizes the Games, competitions and other events that were held there. It describes the type of education, training and preparation the athletes received. It continues with the "Olympic agons", i.e. the various sports that took place in Olympia. It ends with the meaning of the modern Olympic Games, the ceremonies and the torch as an Olympic symbol.

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